



Multi-day Trips Iceland

Iceland Nature, Hot Springs, and Splendid Waterfalls: 6 Days Fully Accessible Tour

6 days / 5 Nights

Iceland Nature, Hot Springs, and Splendid Waterfalls: 6 Days Fully Accessible Tour


This accessible tour will introduce you to some of the highlights of the magical country of Iceland. You’ll experience adventures such as a private guided drive through Iceland’s Golden Circle and a swim in the famous Blue Lagoon. There is also some free time for you to explore the capital Reykjavik at your own pace and to discover Iceland’s history and culture. Accessible accommodation in authentic Icelandic lodges is included in the price, as is breakfast. This trip is adapted to suit people with disabilities, with wheelchair-accessible accommodation and transportation. Round-trip transportation between the airport and your accommodation is also provided, with several accommodation options available, all of which are accessible. The itinerary can also be adjusted to suit your interests and ability.

Things to Do + Hotels + Ground transportation

About Iceland

Discover Iceland’s Natural Beauty with Accessible Travel Options

Explore the breathtaking landscapes of Iceland, known for its volcanoes, glaciers, and hot springs, all made accessible for travelers with disabilities. Iceland is dedicated to providing inclusive travel experiences, ensuring that its natural wonders are accessible to everyone.

In Reykjavik, the capital city, accessibility is prioritized to accommodate all visitors. The city offers accessible tourist attractions, accommodations, and transport options. From the iconic Hallgrimskirkja church to the bustling Harpa Concert Hall, Reykjavik provides an enjoyable and barrier-free experience for all. Delve deeper into the city’s accessible travel opportunities by visiting Reykjavik Accessible Travel.

Whether you’re witnessing the majestic Northern Lights or relaxing in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland’s commitment to accessibility ensures that these unique experiences are open and enjoyable for travelers with various mobility needs.

Accessible travel Iceland

Iceland has made a lot of progress in making its infrastructure accessible. All buildings constructed after 2012 must provide access for mobility aids. Public transportation doe not offer lift or ramps outside of the city's capital, nor do buses offer a space for people to remain in their wheelchairs. The country has a National Association of People with Disabilities known as Sjálfsbjörg, which conducts routine surveys on museums and public spaces, for accessibility improvement. They offer a website, partially available in English, which lists various asscessible attractions in Iceland. You can check out the website here.